Wednesday, September 28, 2016

What Are You Reading Wednesdays (7)

What Are You Reading Wednesdays #WAYRW is a weekly feature on It’s A Reading Thing. Everyone is welcome to participate. You can answer the questions in the comments section of the weekly #WAYRW post or link back to your #WAYRW post on your blog in the comments section as well. 
How to participate:
Grab the book you are currently reading and answer three questions:
1. What’s the name of your current read?
2. Go to page 34 in your book or 34% in your eBook and share a couple of sentences.
3. Would you like to live in the world that exists within your book? Why or why not?

A Gathering of Shadows By V. E. Schwab
"For an instant, another death flashed through her mind, another body on her blade, a boy in a castle in a bleak white world.  Not her first kill, but the first that stuck.  The first that hurt."
Yes, if I could be in Red London...and a Royal...and have magic...


  1. The book I am reading is, 'Walking the Himalayas' by Levison Wood.

    Page 34 on my kindle: "I was in the very strange position of knowing exactly what my diary was going to be like for six months at a time. There was planned leave and therefore the opportunity to book holidays in advance, a precious luxury I’d almost forgotten existed."

    I would like to 'visit' the world I am reading about. The beauty of the Himalayas and a sense of sacredness have long been the reason for my 'armchair travels' there. The people are beautiful; the weather is cold; nomad life is without 'creature comforts' that I take for granted. Yet, I see so many photographs of the people there smiling, and in colorful dress. I am in South Texas to avoid any chance of physical snow. Yet, I am pulled in spirit to the Himalaya peaks; to meditate in a mountain hut surrounded by silence except for the hissing of snow beyond; to watch the nomadic herdsmen, women, and children as they live life together in one Bedouin round tent as smoke comes out of the top and reindeer roam outside. As much as I love the Himalayas and the culture of its local people, I prefer a visit to living there. Good question. First time I have been asked it, and answered it.

    1. I don't know how I missed posting your comment. Thanks for sharing. This has been a fun little meme to play with. Its always fun to see what is on a random page and to really think about would you want to really live there.
