Sunday, January 20, 2019

2018 Wrap Up

56 turns out to be roughly 4 1/2 books per month.
The shortest book was a poignant graphic novel about the immigrant experience.
The longest book is the 3rd book in a fantasy series and since I am reading it on my Kindle I didn't really have a sense of how long it is.  There are other books I read that felt much longer.
Wherever I meet a new person I should ask if they have read The Hobbit - the odds should be quite good and then we will have something to talk about.
Not many people have read Strangeville and sadly I can't recommend it.
One of my resolutions was to be more honest with my ratings and I did hand out a few more 1-2 star ratings for books that I truly did not enjoy.
Golden Son is a sequel to Red Rising and it took me two tries to read, one in physical and finally on audio.  It was so hard for me to get into but not because it wasn't good.  I knew it would wreck me.
2018 started strong with a much anticipated sequel to Every Heart a Door
I had a lot of books on the go in December that I didn't finish before 2018 expired.

My 2018 resolutions were to read more of my kindle books and finish a couple of series were totally ignored.   I did complete some books that had been on the go for a long time and were also on my kindle:  Elantris, Out of the Shoebox, Magic for Beginners. Strangeville, Gifts of the Blood and I am up to 39% on Anna Karenina and I decided to abandon Bellefleur.

Re-reads on Audio:  Futuristic Violence and Fancy Suits, The Hobbit
Favorite Book:  Futuristic Violence and Fancy Suits
Least Favorite:  Annihilation
Best Surprise:  A Reaper At the Gates, News of the World