Autumn officially began on Saturday and so it is time to put away the light hearted books of summer to make way for meatier tales best told in the waning of the year. So here I am to wrap up my Goodreads Summer Reading Challenge. Of the 16 books I placed on my TBR list, I completed a grand total of seven and I am actually pretty happy with that.
The ratings tell the story. The best book by far was A Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers (so so so good) , followed by Beneath the Sugar Sky by Seanan McGuire. These both will easily make my top 10 for the year.
The worst book was hands down Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer which had so little plot it shouldn't have been a book much less the first in a series.
A note about The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy; I read it just to say that I had and to be in the know on cultural references to it. It isn't a bad boo, my rating not withstanding. If you like Monty Python (and I do not) then I think you will like this book. It is humorous and I get the humor but it just doesn't make me laugh out loud the way Terry Prachett does for instance.
A note about A Walk in the Woods, I did enjoy it and it was funny and informative but I was so disappointed when I found out <SPOILER ALERT> that they did NOT complete the entire trail that I almost quit reading and it colored my perception of the whole rest of the book even though I agree with the conclusion that the effort they put into it does count.
The only book on my list that I am sorry I didn't get to is The Lake House by Kate Morton because she has a new one coming out in October.